CSC 748 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - 2013/2014 SESSION
The aims of this course is to provide an overview and basic introduction to concepts and methods in Artificial Intelligence (AI), including notions of rational behavior and intellıgent agents. Major subareas of Artificial Intelligence will be covered. The emphasis will be on understanding the fundamental concepts, as well as being able to practically apply the corresponding approaches in solving practical problems and developing useful software applications, including ability to carry out independent research in the Field of AI. While making reference to program illustrations in traditional languages such as C and Java The use of Prolog as a language for modeling problems and implementing algorithms in AI. will be emphasized.
Pre-requisite is familiarity with the basic concepts of logic and probability theory as well as programming experience are fundamental knowledge that will be helpful in order to understand better some of the algorithms, techniques and data structures to be studied in this course. |
Tuesdays 2:00–4.00 pm in PG hall, Dept of Computer Science
Lab. period: To be announced later It is mandatory to register for this course from here |
This course will be taught through through Moodle VLE at the University of Ibadan Learning Management System. However, for you to be enrolled in the UI VLE Artificial Intelligence Class, you must first register here
Check the LMS regularly for updates, announcements, assignments/homework etc
Check the LMS regularly for updates, announcements, assignments/homework etc
Course Outline
1. Introduction to AI :
Definitions of AI, Goals of AI, AI Approaches, AI Techniques, Branches of AI, Applications of AI. |
2. Intelligent Agents
Agents and environments, Rationality, PEAS (Performance measure, Environment, Actuators, Sensors), Environment types, Agent types |
Download lecture slides 3 (problem solving)
Download lecture slides 3b (Uninformed Search) Download lecture slides 3c (Heuristics Search) Download and experiment with AISpace search applet |
4. Game Playing :
Overview, Mini‐Max search procedure, Game playing with Mini‐Max, Alpha‐Beta pruning, A* |
5. Logic Programming with Prolog
Introducing the declarative programming language Prolog, Applications of Prolog in the area of artificial intelligence, Swi Prolog Programming (Basics, Lists, Arithmetics, Operators, cuts etc) |
Download Lecture slides 5
Download free text: Prolog Programming in-deptth by Michael A. Covington Donald Nute Andre Vellino Link to Prolog tutorials Download SWI- Prolog for Windows XP/Vista/7/8 |
6. Logic and Knowledge Representation :
Knowledge representation, KR using propositional logic, Proof theory KR using First order logic. 7. Planning and uncertainty 8. Machine Learning 9. AI Examples and applications
Download past C/A question |
Summary of Resources
Attendance and participation - 5 marks
Quizzes - 15 marks Assignments - 20 marks Exam - 60 marks |